Fear; How to Overcome it

Fear is a big limiting agent. It limits achievement automatically. You want to know how you can overcome your fears? Well, here are some points that will help you overcome those fears

•KNOW YOUR FEARS: Before you can actually solve a problem, you have to discover it. Know your fears, what's it about? Know the source of those fears. You should be able to identify your fears. Be curious to know why they are there. Some fears are there due to childhood experience. For example, a child who got his fingers burnt by fire may have a phobia for fire when he/she grows up. Know the sources of your fears.

•GIVE THANKS: While you are afraid, give thanks to God for the success. Probably you are afraid of singing in front of a large audience. Thank God for singing in front of the crowd and thank Him that the audience loved your singing. This will help you to get over the fears before going on stage.

•WRITE YOUR FEARS DOWN: Once you found out what your fears are, write them down. This will spur you to action to overcome them.

•SPEAK OUT: There's this saying that a closed mouth is a closed destiny. Are you battling fears? Get trusted individuals, open up to them. Tell them everything and let them help you out. Apart from that, it is even proven that the more you tell people about your fears. The more you are able to overcome them. You can seek for the help of a therapist too.

•READ BOOKS: Reading books on what you are afraid of can help ease. Try reading books on how to overcome fears too. This will go a long way.

•FACE YOUR FEARS: You can't keep running away from your fears forever. It's proven that the more you face your fears, the more it vanquish. Face those fears once and for all. Keep doing those things which you are supposed to do which you are afraid to do. You'll overcome those fears in no time.

•BE POSITIVE: Positivity can help build up an immunity against fears. Probably you are into public speaking and you are afraid of speaking. Be positive. Tell yourself good thing. "I spoke so wonderfully! The audience loved me! The talk was excellent!" And probably it's fear of failure, tell yourself that you are successful. Tell yourself that the success is huge! This will help you a lot to ease your self.

•DONT TRY TO BE PERFECT: No one is 100% perfect, don't try to be perfect. Just do what you do, do it real. Be yourself. You'll be fine.

•PRAY: You can pray to God to help you out. Probably you are a Christian? The Bible says God hasn't given us the spirit of fear. So tell God you want to get over it.

These should help you overcome your fears easily. Face those fears

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