Man to lead woman to follow. What do you think ?

This is a very tricky question. Eyebrows will be raised at this very controversial question. The question aims at equality between man and woman. It cannot be blind equality. Nature had endowed man with certain capabilities and endurances which are not found in women. Man also cannot claim some traits that are peculiar to women. Thus we speak of manly strength and feminine grace.

Now late in the twentieth century to say that man should lead, is absurd. In what he should lead lies the answer. Then there won't be any controversy. It is a man's duty to hard work involving physical strength and physical endurance. Women, as a rule are denied this physical strength. Man has been a fighter all along and these fighting qualities have always been in demand. So man came to be a leader. Exploring, pioneering, climbing, fighting and all these require manly courage, bravery and guts. When society needed them badly man became the leader.

But where simple intellectual qualities are called for, it is difficult to choose between a man and a woman. In the finer arts women excel. Thus there are woman poets and woman artists. A man competes with them and if he excels it is because he gets better chances.

Women as a rule, are the best homemakers. Their sense of duty, humility and patience make them really the authority in the house. Their feminine touch has a lot to do in bringing up children. If a country needs good youth it has to look up to its mothers. The hands that rocks the cradle rules the world.

Man and woman are thus complimentary and supplementary to each other and it will be useless to argue as to who leads whom.

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