Christian And Politics; What Is The Bible Stand On It?

My pastor practices politics, keep don't think he is truly called by God. Pastors should be more spiritual than physical. Any pastor or minister of God that practices politics is not fit for heaven. He shouldn't be in charge of Christ's flocks. 

If all those are your beliefs, My Bro and sis that's called a complete fallacy. Before my opinion is being countered. Let's get to know what the Bible says about politics and rulers. Romans chapter 13vs1
Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. 

In the Old Testament, Joseph and
Daniel served in civil government,
exerting influence to further the
flourishing of their nations.

In the New Testament, Jesus engaged
in holistic ministry, caring for the
spiritual and physical needs of
people. Feeding the hungry and
healing diseases were an outworking
and extension of the reconciliatory
message of the gospel.

Paul also advocates this approach:
“As we have opportunity, let us do
good to everyone” (Galatians 6:10).
And: “For we are his workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus for good
works, which God prepared
beforehand, that we should walk in
them” (Ephesians 2:10).

Engaging in “good works” should
include participating in the political
process because of the legitimate and significant role of government. The decisions made by government have a substantial impact on people and the way we interact with them. 

A Christian worldview should include a political theology that recognizes every area of
life must be included in the “good
works” of believers, especially politics, an area with significant real-life implications for people.

Followers of Christ are called to love
and serve their neighbors (Matthew
28:19-20). When asked about the
qualifications of “neighbor,” Jesus told
the parable of the Good Samaritan
(Luke 10:25-37), indicating that
irrespective of race, background, social status or occupation, neighborly love is owed.

In a very real sense, politics is one of the most important areas in which Christians demonstrate love to neighbor. 

In fact, how can Christians
claim to care about others and not
engage the arena that most profoundly shapes basic rights and freedoms?
Caring for the hungry, thirsty, naked,
sick and lonely is important to Jesus
and should be to His followers as well.

Jesus said, “As you did it to one of the
least of these you did it to me” (Matthew

With these little proofs I guess you'll believe why I called your assumptions fallacy if you believe Being a politician prevents you from leading a holistic life. 

The worrisome part is that Most Christians join politics for their selfish interest, not because of the BIBLE.

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