Love: getting it right

Some of us got the word Love wrong, most of the attributes we express to people is majorly for our selfish interest .Now, what does the word Love Entail??

Love is like the most used word, people got so familiar with it, but its understanding remains minute. We get it all wrong most times 
 Love is fully understood when it is shown
However many people says they love, but can't show it. 
Just like many people can run, but don't run. Their love is only understood by only them. But on the outside, there's no form of understanding. 
Love is not independent, it always requires two, it always ask for two. Love is for unity. Many loves but can't show it, making love appear selfish and misunderstood. God showed his love for mankind, Jesus did the same. It was until then we understood and embrace its meaning.
How many people knows you love them? how many people understands your love for them? Why have you placed your feelings before love? Why have you made love appear so selfish? 
Love is not the absence of hatred, love is a forever presence of companionship full of light and smiles. What does your neighbour feel about you? Have they gotten the meaning of love through your presence?
Love so simple in sound, so sweet, so full of light, so easy to spell and pronounce could deprive a lot if absent.
Help the other person beside you understand what love could really be
Happy New year.... We at articles Revamp wish you all the best of 2019.

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