How To Get More Traffic For Your Blog

Are you a blogger? 
Do you want to get more traffic to your blog and make more money? 
The solution is here! 
In this post I'll be showing you how to get more traffic to your website within few days. 
The good news is that all of these strategies are working Perfectly right now in 2019.

Want to drive more traffic to your blog? Let’s go!
1. Sprinkle LSI keywords in your content. 
Wondering what LSI is? It simply refers to "Latent Semantic Indexing". These are terms synonymous to a keyword. For example, if you search for "how to make money online", google will suggest you related terms like:
how to make money online for free
how to make money online for beginners
how to make money online in nigeria
Search engines like Google & Yahoo evaluates a page's relevance and quality using LSI keywords. When you use LSI keyword you're simply giving search engine crawlers clue on what your content is all about and you will get higher ranking if you're able to use the LSI keywords optimally in your post.
So, how can you find LSI keywords? 
Simply go to, search any topic you want to write about 
After that, scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for "Related Searches"
The terms under it are called LSI keywords. 
Now choose anyone you like and use in your content. 

2. Post longer, quality and comprehensive content. 
If you want to get more traffic to your blog, then you need to write longer and quality content. The reason being that search engines consider word count as one of the factors for ranking a website. According to research, contents with 2,000+ words rank higher than those with lesser figure. While writing your content, make sure it's not just long; let it be comprehensive in such a way that it will make people to visit the post again and again.
To write a comprehensive content that ranks on google, you can search for the topic you want to write about and click on the first 10 results; discover their word count, find a crucial point that they didn't discuss in their post. After doing all these, you can now go ahead and start writing your article to make it more comprehensive than that of your competitors. 

3. Interlink your blog posts
Another method of generating more traffic to your blog is internal linking. Interlinking simply refers to "adding the links of related posts inside your article". When you interlink, it reduces your site's bounce rate and also makes the users stay longer on your site. Search engines determines a site ranking by evaluating the bounce rate, the higher the bounce rate, the lower the ranking. So give your website a boost by interlinking your blog posts. 

4. Include your links everywhere 
This is one of the most neglected traffic boosting strategy. Do you have a social media account? Do you belong to an online forum? You're missing something big! Go to your profile now and input your website link there, anytime people check your it they will click the link and visit your website and if your contents are quality enough, you may turn them to a regular visitor. 

5. Go where your audience is. 
If you want to get more traffic to your website, then go the extra mile by locating where your audience are and get yourself noticed there. If you are blogging about Small Business Startup, you can join Online forums or groups which contains prospective entrepreneurs, make helpful contributions, post relevant tips and grow your followership from there. I know of many bloggers today who were able to get more traffic by joining a targeted forum. 

6. Respond to comments. 
This is yet another way to get more Traffic for your blog. When people make comments on your blog, make sure you comment to engage your readers. The more engaging your site is, the more search engines are likely to rank you. 

7. Write attention grabbing and compelling titles. 
Willing to get more traffic for your blog? Then you need to make compelling and attention grabbing titles. No matter how good your content is, if you choose a awful title, you can never get a considerable traffic to your blog. Your ability to write a compelling title will determine how frequent people will click on your post to read. Once you miss it at the title stage, you have missed a lot of potential readers. 
If you're not good in writing a catchy title, you can read tutorials on thay. It's worthwhile... 

8. Write something controversial. 
Write controversial posts that will generate a lot of views and opinions. This strategy can help you go viral and boost your traffic overnight. 

9. Optimize your website load speed 
What will you do when you visit a website and it takes much time to load? You'll leave! Isn't it? We are human being and we don't like delay, so make sure your website load speed is highly optimized. The higher your load speed, the more people will visit your website to read contents. There are lots of tools you can use in optimizing your load speed. Google search it and skyrocket your traffic... 

After reading the post on 9 WAYS TO GET MORE TRAFFIC FOR YOUR BLOG, which one will you like to start with on your website? 
Let me know via the comment box.

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