How To Become Self Dependent In Life

Have you ever been embarrassed or disappointed by someone you depend solely on? 
Are you to tired of relying on others for help?  
Do you wish to become a self established person in life?
I guess your answer is YES, isn't it? 
In this article, I will share with you 5 ways to become self-dependent in life. After reading this article I bet it with you you will no longer rely on other people for help!
5 Ways of becoming self-dependent in life
These are the ways to become self-dependent.
1. Acquire a lucrative skill
The first step in becoming self-dependent is to acquire a 'hot skill' a skill that the demand for it is very high. There are many skills out there that you can learn within 3 to 12 months, so go and learn it and make some money for yourself. 
If you are a graduate, please forget your certificate (at least for now) because there are no jobs out there, even the available ones are paying a very meagre amount. Stop wasting your time walking from one company to another without getting hired.  Acquire a skill and employ yourself. Some current lucrative digital skills include:
Web design 
Web development 
Motion Graphics 
Graphics design, etc. 

2. Go out of Your Comfort Zone
If you're really serious about being self dependent, then leaving your comfort zone is a must. There are some adults who still live with and depend on their parents, it shouldn't be! When do you want to start facing the reality of life? Stop being daddy's pet or mummy's pet, go out to hustle and feel the real world out there. When you leave your comfort zone, you'll be able to face real life issues which will make you a More mature person. You'll also be able to stand on your own without having to depend on others for a living. 

3. Associate with people of like minds
The people you associate with is also a factor to reckon with when it comes to being self dependent. For you to be able to stand alone and provide for your needs you need to move with the right calibre of people; people who'll motivate and encourage you to keep trying, the people who'll tell you basic facts of life, the people who'll guide you on your pathways to self dependence. If you surround yourself with people who have no life ambition, your chances of becoming self dependent is very slim. Always associate yourself with the right people anytime, anywhere, anyday...
4. Spend wisely 
As a young man who wants to be self dependent, you must be financially discipline, don't just spend anyhow on irrelevances, plan your finances and do go beyond it. Also learn to spend what is left after saving, and not save what is left after spending. One of the key to riches is financial discipline, if you're not discipline enough with money you'll soon exhaust it and start depending on others for a living. 

5. Multiply your sources of income 
Relying on a single source of income can be suicidal in this present age, you must learn to stop putting all your eggs in one basket. Apart from your full time business or job, engage in some other side businesses that can be fetching you money passively. 
The benefit of having multiple stream of income is that even if one source is not generating money at the moment, others will serve as a bailout option. 

Lastly, becoming self dependent is a matter of choice, if you wish to stop depending on others for a living then you must stand and take charge of your life now! 
Do you have any question(s) for me? Kindly ask via the comment box... 

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