Google Adsense; What You Should Know About It.

I have a website, I don't earn from it, my friend has a blog he earns on the 21st of every month. What makes my case different.? Here, we're going to address the issue that makes every bloggers and developers smile.
It is called ADSENSE and ADMOB. 

AdMob is to App developers , what AdSense is, to Bloggers. Am sure websites and blog owners are familiar with this.

Google admob is a program designed by google to advertise peoples companies and websites on other peoples App, website or blog.

It is a platform that gives mobile App developers a medium to earn from their app.

I am sure we have for once come across apps that display ads of different types when you launched them.

You also must have noticed some apps you download from playstore pop up advert and video. The app developers gets paid from advert/video each and every time you view or clicked adverts on their Apps

This platforms was designed by Google to pay those who serve google ads on their App.

How to receive ur payment

Google makes payment on every 21st of each month and before you can be eligible for payment:

The address you provided for Google must have been verified

Verification of your account starts immediately  your earning hits $10

Google will send your verification PIN  to your  home address, and this PIN is expected to get to you within 2-4 weeks.

The pin contain codes which you are expected to enter in your dashboard. After this, you are eligible to receive your earnings from Google.

Also, if your earnings do not reach $100 before 21st of each month, then your withdrawal is shifted to the following month.

After creating your admob account, you will then have to develop an app that Google will serve ads on
*Creating a Google admob account*

Step 1..Click

Step 2... Sign up with a valid gmail acct

Step3: choose Nigeria as your country, choose Lagos as time zone, choose  American USD as mode of payment

Step 4: mark all field yes in the next page will be asked if your app has been uploaded on playstore.. Click NO

Step6: Enter app information (name of the app) (give it any name of your choice that you will not forget)and click on Android

Step7:. Click on *create ad unit*

You will find three(3) ad unit (banner,  interstitial and reward) 

Step on banner and input ad unit name(name it banner1) after that click create ad unit.. 

Step 9:   after creating banner ad unit and copying out the codes..go back and click on interstitial and rewarded, following the same format ...

 save the codes on your note pad or memo.                                              

 That's all Click on Done.

 Step 10.  scroll to payment and fill in your current address. (please make Sure your address is very correct)

*Your banner and interstitial codes should look like this*;



 This is how your code will be arranged after you might have finished your Registration the above code will be used to build your app

It depends on the contents of your app... Least is 9k and max is 50k
But if u are self-clickin, u wil need a total of 3 apps to work simutanously
A personal app, an impression app and Device changer app
Plus a proper guide to avoid suspension and ban!!
Its easy to create accts and also easier to get disabled.

Any Questions you have concerning This post should be asked in the comments box. 

* is used before important keywords you should note 

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