Five ways to make money with a blog for beginners

How Do Bloggers Make Money? Discover Five Ways To Make Money With A Blog
How To Make Money With A Blog For Beginners

You want to make money online, isn’t it? Of course it is. In fact, everyone wants to make money…
You heard that people are really making it big in blogging but you still don’t know how it works or probably you already have a blog and you’re searching for how to make money with it. Right?
No matter which group you belong, the pure truth is that making money with a blog is very possible.
Before I continue with this article, I’ll like to make it clear to you that blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme as believed by many people. But if you do it right and you are patient enough you can earn something big from blogging. Yes!
Today, I’ll be revealing to you the best ways of making money from a blog
So, How Do Bloggers Make Money?
Here are the five main ways to make money with a Blog:
With no doubts, this is one of the most common ways bloggers monetize their website.
Advert networks give access to bloggers to place another company’s adverts on their website and make money.
Most of the advert networks use targeted ads i.e the advert is shown based on the person viewing the blog, the post being viewed, and the recently viewed posts.
There are two main ways of making money with ad networks, which consists of:
- Paid Per Click (PPC) Ads: As the name implies, when this kind of ad is placed on a blog, the blogger will earn a certain amount if people click on it. The amount paid per click is somehow low; this ad type works better with a website that receives huge traffic.
- Paid Per Impression (PPM) Ads: unlike Paid Per Click (PPC) that people must click on ads before one can make money, as a blogger your viewers don’t need to click on PPM ads to earn money. Rather than clicks, the income is calculated per impression i.e how many times the ad is seen by the visitors.
Presently, the most popular advert network is Google Adsense. To get Adsense approval you need to meet some of their laid down rules, and after getting approval Adsense will give you a code to place on your blog. After that, they will be the one to choose the kind of advert that will be appearing on each sections of the website.

Another cool way of monetizing your blog is Affiliate marketing. This is how affiliate marketing works:
An advertiser wants to sell a product and agrees to pay you a certain percentage as a commission for every sale that comes through your website
The advertiser will issue you a unique affiliate code to place on your website, anytime people buy the company’s product through your affiliate link your wallet will be credited and you will be able to withdraw it anytime you reach the minimum threshold.
Some of the popular affiliate networks include: Shareasale, Amazon, CJ Affiliate (formerly Commission Junction) among others.

Sponsored post is a post written and submitted to a blog by a company which describes their products or services in an attempt to gain more customers or subscribers. Companies pay bloggers to write and publish a post about them or their product/service. Many blogs are raking huge amount of money through sponsored post, give it a try on your website as well! Each blog owners determine the amount required to place a sponsored post on their blog.

Advertisement is never the only way to make money as a blogger; one of the creative ways of making money with a blog is by selling valuable products to the blog readers. Some bloggers sell physical products like manufactured products, tshirts, mug, plastic, gadgets or digital products such as ebooks, courses, to mention but a few. You can also think of a product that will address the need of your readers and sell to them.

Thinking of ways to make money with a blog? Many bloggers are making it big by offering services related to their niche. Their blog serves as a tool for promoting their services. For instance, some technology bloggers offer coaching, graphic design, live video tutorial, webinar, seminar and other related services on their blog. This can also be used to build trust and loyalty and increase the total revenue for the blog.

Wrapping it up…
Just as I mentioned earlier in the introductory part of this article, blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme, like normal business blogging takes time to grow so be patient and pay the price tag. You will surely win one day!

Now that you’ve discussed the various ways through which bloggers make money, which option will you like to start with?
Drop it in the comment box.

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