7 ways to make your blog stand out

Gone are the days when only few people are in the blogging industry, the industry is now one of the fastest growing industries in the world…
Did you know that there are over 1.6 billion websites around the world?
Did you know that there are over 200 million active websites on the web?
According to Internetlivestats.com, 400+ websites are created every minute. isn’t that too outrageous??
I think you’d agree with when I say the sudden growth in the blogging world is really affecting those into it
So, how do you now differentiate your blog and make it stand out from the crowd? 
The answers to that are provided in this article, just bring out your pen and start writing down the tips…
Shall we start?
Ok….here are awesome tips to make your blog stand out and gain a competitive edge over your competitors:
#TIP 1: Use killer headlines
Headline is the very first thing that your blog readers will see before accessing your blog, once they find it uninteresting and indifferent, that may discourage them from reading your website contents.  Headline is one of the powerful tools to transform your blog and make it stand out from the crowd. Work on your headline and watch your page view grow over time. Spend enough time in creating good headlines, it is worth the effort!

#Tip 2: Make Your Blog Design Look Professional
“First impression lasts longer…” regardless whether your blog is for personal use or commercial use, put a nice design on it… in the real ,sense  your website is like a young lady the more ‘charming’ it appears the more people it will attract… you must do away with poor design, interface and layout, if you are not that vast in web design you can hire experts to handle the job for you. It’s worth the cost.
Seeking to stand out in your niche? Give your blog a nice design!
#Tip 3: Explore the ‘mighty’ power of multimedia
Humans are visual beings. We tend to give attention to nice-looking pictures rather than ordinary words. Want to take your blog to the next level? Start using Infographic, graph, screenshot, photograph, etc on your subsequent blog posts… multimedia when used properly helps in boosting user engagement and improve bounce rate.
#Tip 4: Make content easy-to-scan.
We are in the era where everyone wants to get things done as fast as possible, once readers see that an article is not well arranged or appears tiny, they are easily turned off and if care is not taken you may lose them forever to your competitors. Use short paragraphs and use the text formatting tools where necessary.
#Tip 5: Create Useful and Unique Content
Human beings are rationale- we think very well before taking any action, the sole aim of anyone searching the internet is not to be wasting megabyte on irrelevancies but to find relevant contents that could solve his/her current problem, to really make a difference in the blogging world, publishing useful contents on your website is a must. One of the best ways to keep people coming back to your site is to be offering valuable content, make your contents unique & useful and watch your blog grow from zero to hero in few years time…
#Tip 6: Be Original
Copying another people’s content is one of the quickest shortcuts to failure in blogging, you must be able to generate and publish original articles on your website to survive in the ever-turbulent blogging world, standing out calls for strict originality.
Let me put this to you as well… there are two websites:
website A always publish new articles every day
website B always publish a rewritten version of Website A’s content.
Which website would you like to be visiting? A I guess! Or isn’t it?
Dare to be creative and original!

#Tip 7: Make use of other media formats
When writing your next posts ensure you employ other media formats such as video, audio, presentations, etc so as to easily get the attention of your readers.

Now that you have discovered some proven ways to make your blog stand out from the crowd, which of the aforementioned tips would you like to start with?

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