DIABETES: can It Be Cured??

We've been talking about technology, Research and scientific facts For days. 
Now, we want to move on to the Health aspect of the blog. 

We're here to revamp facts and give you the best in the world of knowledge. 

Enough of all these preamble right???  Now, let's move to today's business. 


Diabetes is a disease in which the body's ability to respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood.

It's a very chronic disease in which the body either can't produce insulin it produces. What's insulin? Insulin is an hormone that controls the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. It results into too much of sugar being in the blood.

There are different types of diabetes:
•Type 1 diabetes
•Type 2 diabetes
•gestational diabetes

Diabetes has different symptoms which serves as a pointer showing the possibility of an individual having it. They are:

•INCREASED THIRST: The rate at which the individual get thirsty gets increased.

•INCREASED HUNGER: The rate at which the individual gets hungry gets increased too especially after eating.

•TIREDNESS: There's an unusual weak and tired feeling that comes up. 

•WEIGHT LOSS: There's an unprecedented weight loss. The individual just lose weight without trying to.

•FREQUENT URINATION: Urinating frequently is another symptoms of diabetes. Urine infection may be a symptom too.

• BLURRED VISION: The victim's vision get unusually blurred, not seeing so well.

Can diabetes be cured?

Diabetes cannot be cured but it can transcend into remission. Remission is when the body doesn't show any sign or symptoms of diabetes but it's still there. 

Is there means of preventing diabetes?

Yes there are:

•Regular exercise
•Increase your fibre intake
•Drink water and make sure to stay hydrated always
•Choose food with low calorie or glycemic index
•Avoid stress
•Monitor the level of blood sugar in your body

Diabetes is a very chronic disease and it's affecting alot of people all over the world. You can make a step to prevent it and provide awareness to people around you.

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