7 Distinctive Ways To Make Your Blog Better

The goal of every bloggers is to be making more money and get tons of visitors every hour, but this milestone cannot be achieved knowing fully that there are millions of competitors out there who are also trying everything possible to achieve that. The question now is.... 
How do you make your website stand out among the rest? 
How can you become the others while others follow you? 
How can you beat the best so as to become the best? 
In this article, you will learn 7 distinctive ways to make your blog better

How To Make Your Blog Better
1. Keep your user’s experience in mind
A lot of bloggers make the mistake of creating a blog that only looks nice to them. It is good to design a website that is appealing to you, but it is much better when you design it to match your visitor's preferences. Look at your blog from a visitor's viewpoint... Is the blog well arranged? Are there no clumsy widgets on the blog? Is the color not too flashy? Is the blog easy to navigate? And the likes... Your ability to give honest response to all these will assist you in providing a platform that will be more appealing to your visitors. 
The more horrible your layout and design is to the users, the more they will drop your website for your competitors, so make sure your website is user friendly to keep them coming back!

2. Keep your design simple and neat 
A website with neater and simpler design will surely outshine the others, don't jampack your website with junks and irrelevances, before adding any gadgets on it ask yourself whether it will help your reader's experience or not, if the answer is no then don't add it! 

3. Schedule your posting time
Unless you're  a news blogger, you don't need to be posting every blessed day, find  time to publish quality posts on your website and 
Create a schedule for how you want to be posting on your blog- it may be weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, every wednesdays, etc. You can now use the leisure time to promote your content to a wider audience.

4. Use powerful headlines
Post titles are one of the things that visitors consider before visiting your website. Your ability to craft attention grabbing and search engine optimized headlines will give you an edge over your competitors. No matter how good your contents are, if your headline is poor, you can never get enough people to read them. So, learn how to choose great headlines for your next posts. 

5. Show your personality
Don't copy other people's style of writing or presentation, make use of your own natural style. 

6. Focus on a particular niche
If you want people to keep coming to your website, then you've got to focus on a certain topic/niche. 
Blogging on several niches will make both your visitors search engines confused and you may be losing them gradually. 
How do you feel when you visit a website and.. 
Isn't that irritating to you?? Of course, it is! 
So, that's why you need to focus on a particular niche, face it squarely and build your audience from there. 

7. Create time for learning 
If you want to make your blog better, it's far from just publishing posts everyday. Take time to learn new things about blogging and your particular niche. What are the latest trends in the industry? What are the better way of doing this? How can I give the website a boost? How can I satisfy my readers? These and more are the things you should consider learning about. 

Which of these strategies would you like to try first? 
Need further clarification on making your blog better? Let me know via the comment box...

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