5 Easy Steps For Writing Blog Articles Faster

As a blogger, writing skill is a prerequisite for becoming successful in the industry. 
Of course, you can hire someone to write article(s) for your website but that's not cost effective, not that alone you won't be able to polish your writing skill. By doing the writing yourself, you'll be able to improve your writing and research skills and learn more about your topic.
Good article writing skills will also enable you to regularly deliver tons of quality articles for your blog (which will facilitate your blog growth as time goes on)

Below are 5 steps which will help you to increase your writing writing speed: 
1. Find the most optimal time of the day 
Allocate a suitable time during your day which is devoted unconditionally to writing
To write articles faster, you need to be under a cool condition, so choose a specific time of the day when you are most energized, more focused and less interrupted. Ideas will keep trooping in if you can be writing in this period and also, you'll be able to compose your article(s) with high speed and accuracy.
For many people, early morning is their ideal time for writing, discover yours as well... 

2. Search the net for articles pertaining to your topic 
This is where you'll be doing a research on your topic.
This is also where the ability to read faster (quick reading skills) comes in. At this stage you don't need to read the articles line by line, what you'll do is just to scan through each of the articles to see if it has a pertinent information you can use in your article
After finding relevant terms or paragraphs in the articles, open a separate blank page on your notepad or any other writing tool and paste them there. (this should not take more than 30 minutes) 
At the end of the research process, you should be able to get plenty of information you can use in making your article more comprehensive.

3. Get rid of any potential distractions 
Eliminate anything that can distract you while writing. This includes logging out of your social media accounts, closing your browser, closing unrelated programs on your PC or phone, turning off the internet (if possible), etc..
You should have only two windows open (the notepad you pasted the relevant terms and paragraphs and your writing program such as Microsoft Office Word, WPS office, etc)

4. Start writing but don't edit yet
Now that you've gathered all the relevant information about your topic and you have put some measures to avoid distraction, the next thing is to start writing. 
In order to be focused, you can set an alarm to ring every 30 - 45 minutes. Use the 30 - 45 minutes to focus strictly on the article you are writing and never be distracted by anything. When the timer rings, take a 15 minutes break before continue writing again. 
To start writing, go back to the researched information you gathered on your notepad, read through and digest them. After that, go switch to your writing tab and start writing in your own words what you learnt in the information you've just read. 
- Avoid copying the researched information into your own article, if you don't understand any paragraph of the Researched information, read through it again until you fully understand it. 
- You'll be tempted to be editing as you go, but please don't do that! if you do so, you may also be tempted into checking for grammatical errors, punctuation errors, spelling errors, paragraph restructuring, and the likes. This will consume much of your time, and will make it difficult for you to write your blog articles faster.
There is time for everything, what you're expected to do at this stage is to only "write", nothing more... There is another stage you'll get to edit your article and check for errors, so don't entangle yourself with it yet. 
5. It's time for editing! 
Once you're through writing your article, you can now start proofreading and editing it. Look for grammatical errors, repeated words and spelling mistake, change words, incomplete paragraphs, omitted words, wrong use of language, etc. 

Writing Blog articles faster is quite simple than you think. Put these actionable techniques into action and watch yourself delivering quality articles faster and better. 
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