15 PSYCHOLOGICAL FUN FACTS: Get To Understand Yourself.

Psychology is a form of studies that deals with human behaviors, characters and characterization in accordance to their environment. 

There are more than 5000 psychological Facts  but we at Articles Revamp have decided to pick 15 Most useful Psychological fun facts for the lay man. 

1) Any friendship that was born in the
period between 16 and 28 years of age
is more likely to be robust and long

2. Women generally prefer men with deep
husky voices because they seem more
confident and not aggressive.

3. The people who give the best advice
are usually the ones with the most

4. The smarter the person is, the faster
he thinks, and the sloppier his
handwriting is.

5. Our emotions don’t affect the way
we communicate. In fact, the very
opposite is true: the way
we communicate has an influence
on our mood.

6. The way a person treats restaurant
staff reveals a lot about their

7. People who have a strong sense
of guilt are better at understanding
other people’s thoughts and feelings.

8. Men are not funnier than women: they
just make more jokes, not caring
whether other people like their humor
or not.

9. Shy people talk little about themselves,
but they do this in a way that makes
other people feel that they know them very well.

10. Women have twice as many pain
receptors on their bodies than men, but
they have a much higher pain

11. Listening to high-frequency music
makes you feel calm, relaxed, and

12. If you can’t stop your stream
of thoughts at night, get up and write
them down. This will set your mind
at ease so you can sleep.

13. Good morning and good night text
messages activate the part of the
brain responsible for happiness.

14. Doing things that scare you will make
you happier.

15. According to psychology,  The average amount of time a woman
can keep a secret is 47 hours and
15 minutes.

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