Blogging has grown to be a very big thing in the world of internet. Initially, blog used to be a personal online diary. Why do we have a lot of people blogging nowadays?  You seek for an answer? Here are reasons why people blog:
•Self Expression
•Sharing of Knowledge
•Improvement on writing skills
•Advertising and branding
•To make money
•Helping and motivating people

PASSION: The best bloggers are born out of passion for blogging. Some people blog primarily for passion, they just love doing it. A friend who led me to the blogging world started blogging out of passion at a very young age , when he didn't even make any penny from it.

SELF EXPRESSION: Blogs can serve as a great means of expressing one's ideas, thought and feelings about some particular subjects. You can express your passion, let's say you are into music, photography, business, cooking, politics etc. This will open a lot of opportunities to get connected to people with like minds around the world.

SHARING OF KNOWLEDGE: Many people who are passionate about teaching people makes use of blogging to pass their knowledge. One can create one's blog where you can teach people that are interested in your field of expertise eg music, blogging, cooking etc. The most interesting thing is you can make money from your blog creating educational services and products online by monetizing the blog.  At least, some bills has to be paid.

IMPROVEMENT ON WRITING SKILLS: Some bloggers fully came into blogging solely to improve their writing skills. Truly, it is known that the more you do something, the better you get at it. The more you write, the better you become at it. Most veteran bloggers write on a regular basis, analyze and proofread their articles frequently. This has grown them to be a very good writer and blogger.

ADVERTISING AND BRANDING: Internet is a very good place to advertise companies. Most of the companies now make use of blogs to advertise their companies. Through those blogs, the companies can get reviews on the services or products and then test the waters. The companies make use of the blogs to talk about their products and its feature, how it works etc. They also use it to keep their customers updated on new services and products available.

TO MAKE MONEY: Apart from blogging for passion or so, the money reward is also a part to blog for. There are many ways to make money blogging eg Affliate marketing, Advertising etc.

HELPING AND INSPIRING PEOPLE: Many motivational speakers, counsellor, etc have turned to blogging to help and inspire people as blogging poses a very high platform, it has a possibility of reaching the ends of the world. Many people blog mainly to reach out to people to help them.

MARKETING: Some business owners have taken to blogging to advertise their products as it is believed people get to trust businesses with their own blogs.

FUN: Though blogging can be stressful if taken so seriously while having another job at hand, it's fun if it's driven from passion. Apart from  the residential fun derived from blogging, some bloggers simply blog to catch fun.

JOURNALISM: So many people start blog so they can act as citizen journalist. They write about local, regional, national or global news with the aim of sharing information with their blog audience.
These are the reason why most people blog. Blogging is fun!

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