Seo: How To Rank Well For A Keyword

The basics of Seo has been taught here, we're moving on to teaching steps that can make you rank bigger and higher oh google and this will help in no small measure to increase your site visitor and thus increase the amount you earn on adsense. 

As a blogger, you should be careful in making the decision of your keyword as it could affect your ranking. You need to have a good grip on how to make it work. Let's see.

•The age of the blog:
 This matter alot especially if you are targeting for a very popular keyword. It will not be really easy ranking for a popular and competitive as a new blog or website.  So it will be advised to go for less competitive keywords as new blog. The longer your blog or website has been around , the better it will be.

•Keyword Research: You might have a specific keyword on your mind to rank for, but check to be double sure. You can make use of several keyword tools to get a sense of the search volume for that keyword. The competition matters a lot too, before you can make your final decision. Definitely, you'll not want to choose a keyword with a low turn out of volume search. You should not really go for the keyword with the highest volume of search as ranking for those keywords. Some keywords may be too competitive and maybe a waste of time working on it.
You'll most likely be successful in ranking for a specific keyword if the term is related to your blog. You'll likely be getting much traffic and have a good  ranking on the search engine result page.

•Check the competition:
Once you made your choice on the keyword you want to use. Check the competition by searching the keyword on Google.
You should check the domain authority of the blog in the top 10. Does the URL contains the Keyword? Does the title contains the Keyword. These are things you should pay close attention to.
You'll need to be unique to beat your competitors. You should do whatever they do more and better.

•Use long-tail keywords:
Making use of keywords make it easier to serve the user maximally as they will be mostlikely be interested in the blog post as it is specific to their search.

•Optimize the blog post for the keyword: 
Make use of the keyword judiciously on the blog post. The keyword should be contained in some specific part of the blog post eg URL, title, introduction etc. Be sure not to stuff the keywords in the post as it could be of harm to your ranking.

With these concise methods, we at Articles Revamp wish you Happy Ranking in Advance 

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