How to Sing in an inspiring way

Studies show that 90% of living things love songs. 
A dog loves listening to a song, likewise a Cow does. 
Now, as humans, we tend to sing a lot but not all have the same level of voice and Key. Some ladies sing as if they were weeping just because their voices are awful and odd. 

This article will give you some essential tips on how to Maintain a good Voice and key while singing 🎶. 

Three things affect your songs : Your Mouth 👄 (intake), your ears ( Songs you listen to) and your Heart (Boldness really matters) 

The first thing you need to take into consideration is WHAT YOU EAT. 
What you eat will utterly determine your voice quality. Taking a lot of Milk is bad for the voice as Milk tends to increase the mucus and phlegm content of the throat. 
Eat Eggs than you take milk because eggs are denser and more proteinous. 
Avoid eating too much of coarse food like walnut, roasted yam and maize, Palm kernel and others like that because the make the vocal cords tight and coarse. 

Avoid drinking too much of cold soft drinks. Take warm water instead as warm water helps to keep the throat moist and wet. 

The second aspect you should consider is the kind of song you listen to everyday. You can't listen to Classical music and expect to be good to Jazz or rock Music.. 
Listen to good songs and make sure you sing along whenever you listen to it as this will help you improve your key and tempo. When you sing along with a song, you'll be able to discern if your voice is contrary to the key and pitch being played in the music you're listening to. 

Another crucial aspect is your Boldness. 
  Not everyone is a born extrovert, some of us are naturally shy. 
To an extrovert, keep the the extrovert attitude up as your extroverted personality will make you bold in front of the Audience, To the introverts, what you need to do is to be yourself.. . . . Don't look down whenever you sing as it'll make the audience bored. If your shyness level is high, Just Close your eyes, sing with passion then the audience will flow with you. 

Remember that music is life, singing with the wrong tactics means you've murdered music. 

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