How To Earn Money Online In 2019: Get Things Done Faster (Episode 2)

Are you a university student? Probably you are unemployed? Or you just want to look for means of making more income. You want to earn online? Here you are, let's see how you can make money online.

I'll be reviewing two of the ways I mentioned in episode 1.

These are way by which you can earn on online:
•Publishing a book
•Online courses
•Create applications
•Affliate marketing

You have a good writing skill? Are you aware you can earn a living writing through your own blog. Blogging is one of the most common ways of earning online. Once you are able to get traffic on your blog, you'll be able to generate money from it monthly. Blogging needs a lot of patience and persistence as you won't be earning immediately you start. You'll have to keep blogging with the till you get enough traffic to monetize your blog with Pay-Per-Click programs like Google AdSense and affliate product. You can also sell e-books on your blog. You can as well offer online courses through your blog.

This is another means of earning online. Vlogging means video blogging. To start vlogging, you'll need to get a YouTube channel. Upload your video contents to build a large audience around your YouTube channel, after which you can monetize your channel. The more you get traffic on YouTube channel, the more money you get.

If you are good at writing, you can make money by writing your own book. Write a book and sell on Amazon store. You'll get 70% of all the sales. Amazon is a big platform which poses a good opportunity for you to make sales through your e-book.

Another means of making money online is by offering consulting people for payment. The consultancy services may be on subjects like relationships, academics, business, marriage etc. You will be surprised at how much people are ready to offer for consultation.

Are you good at one thing or the other? You can make provision to teach people online about your area of interest  eg blogging, SEO, marketing etc. You can get paid for the services rendered.

Are you good at creating applications? You should monetize your application. It's a great means of earning too. The more traffic your application gets, the more money you make.

Another hot and trending means of making money online is through affliate marketing. This involves helping other companies in promoting their products and services online. You must have a platform to get this done, probably a blog. You'll get a specific commission when someone gets to buy the product being advertised through you. If you can get people to buy products, the more money you make through your own commission. You can register with affliate marketing sites like Clickbank, AliExpress etc.

This is an easy way of earning which involves rendering services to clients or companies online . Example of freelance services are web design, web development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, article writing, copywriting, email marketing, guest posting, data entry works, etc. There are alot of market place for freelancers where you can easily get jobs eg Fiver, Upwork, iWriter etc.

These are hot and trending ways by which you can earn online in 2019. We hope this article helped. Thanks for reading.

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