Hot SEO Tips And Cracks: Search Engine Optimization

Are you a blogger? And you want your blog to rank higher in the search engine result page? You must have heard about search engine optimization (SEO). This is how you can make your blog rank higher on search engine result page. It's very important that you know the up-to-date of SEO tactics to keep ranking high on the search engine. Just follow as you'll be shown some tricks you can use. 

Content is one of the most important factor in determining your ranking on the search engine result page. Before you create a content, you should go for a keyword research so you can target good keywords for your readers. Consistency is another key, search engine rewards new sites that produce quality contents regularly.

The use of long tail keywords is one of the tricks used in SEO. 
Long tail keywords are keywords that are more exact and longer than the usual keywords that are commonly limited to one or two words. This will drive more exact traffic to your blog. Long tail keywords makes up the largest percentage of all search traffic.
Though long tail keywords will not bring in much overall traffic to your blog but the traffic it will drive in will be most likely interested in the niche of your blog. The users driven to the blog are bound to keep coming back to your blog. This will definitely increase the time users spend on your blog.
Also, more specific keywords get less competition on the search engine. So, this will give your blog more opportunity to rank higher on the result page for relevant keywords
For example, if you are making efforts to rank for a broad keyword that turns up millions of results on search engines, you'll have tough time competing with bigger and more authoritative blogs that have amassed alot of quality contents. However, if you make use of less competitive long tail keywords, you'll have a bigger opportunity to rank so well on the search engine result page which will in turn drive in more traffic to your blog.

The speed of your blog matters alot. Google started using site speed as a SEO ranking around 2010.
As a matter of fact, if your blog speed is low, users tend to leave your blog. This will increase the bounce rate and it has a great effect on your ranking.
There are many entities that can contribute to the speed of your blog. These are few of them:

•Image size: Large image size tends to slow down the time your blog spend in loading. The solution is compressing the image 

•Plugins: Too much of unnecessary plugins on your site can slow down your blog. The solution is getting rid of them. 

On-page SEO is basically important in making your blog rank on the search engine result page. The use of keywords are important in some part of your content. They are:
•Page Title
•Meta description
•Introduction part of your content etc.
Having your keyword in these parts sends a lot of signal to Google that your content is relevant to the keyword.

Don't be scared of directing traffic to other blogs but be careful when doing so. You should check the page and domain authority of site you are linking to. It should be a more authoritative blog.

Make sure you do much of linking of old contents to new ones, probably 1-4 for a content. When you do this so well, it drives users to stay more on your blog. Thereby, Google sense the users like your blog. Google give you a higher rank for that content.

Hope you learnt some tips to make your blog rank better? Thanks for reading.

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