Changing Fonts In Html Coding; Your Writing Style Really Matters

We have satisfied the history folks, business peeps,automobile tycoons and Digital marketing enthusiasts .

If you are  just starting please read our previous post on Basics Of HTML; Know What Html Coding Is All About

Tonight, we are going in a total different direction which is CHANGING FONTS IN HTML CODING.
Any question on this should be directed at us through the comment box.

We can specify different font types by specifying their short name in <FONT> tag. If your font name is more 
than one word, you should enclose it in double quotes. 
 <FONT FACE="Font Name Here">...</FONT> 
<TITLE>Example 3, Lesson 2</TITLE> 
<FONT FACE="ARIAL">This text is in ARIAL font</FONT><br> 
<FONT FACE="IMPACT">This text is in IMPACT font</FONT><br> 
You can test other fonts and see the difference. Just pay attention that web pages are viewed in different 
operating systems, browsers and even mobile phones. Because of this, you normally need to choose your 
fonts from a very limited list of popular fonts. It is also possible to use a list of alternative fonts in your 
<FONT> tag. In this way, if your browser cannot find a specific font, it will proceed to the next mentioned 
 <FONT Face="Arial,HELVATICA">...</FONT> 
Changing font colors 
In previous lesson you learned how to change background color of a web page. Here we will learn how to
change color of web page text. Look at this example
<TITLE>Example 4, Lesson 2</TITLE> 
<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">This text is in red color.</FONT><br> 
<FONT COLOR="#00FF00">This text is in green color.</FONT><br> 
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF">This text is in blue color.</FONT><br> 
In above example different colors are used for each line of text. 

Continuous practice brings fabulous success.

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