Alcohol And It's Effects.

The effect of alcohol on the body can not be undermined at all, even from the first sip. An occasional glass of alcohol is not a cause for alarm, the effect can take tolls when the drinking is continuous. Though a glass of alcohol may cause a little havoc to the health of the whole body.

Here are the effect of alcohol on the body:

•Inflammatory Damage: 
The long term intake of alcohol can cause a whole lot of havoc on the liver. The liver, a body organ helping in the breaking down and removal of harmful substances from the body, these harmful substance include alcohol. Much intake of alcohol will disturb this process which increase the risk of getting liver inflammation and liver disease eg cirrhosis which is the scarring caused by liver inflammation. The more the liver gets damaged, the more it gets harder to remove toxic substances from the body.

•Alcohol Dependency: 
Individuals that drink alcohol so much will mostlikely develop a physical and emotional dependency on alcohol. Withdrawal from alcohol can be so difficult and it can even be life threatening. Professional may be needed to defeat alcohol addiction. Many individual seek medical detoxification to get sober as this is the safest way to get the physical addiction broken.

•Damage of the digestive system: 
The damage on the digestive system may not be immediate. The effects will only appear after there's a damage. The more alcohol is taken, the more the danger. Alcohol damages the tissues in the digestive tract and prevent the intestine from digesting food. It may also debar the absorption of nutrients and vitamins. This may lead to malnutrition.
Ulcer and hemorrhoids are common among people who drink alcohol heavily. This really cause dangerous internal bleeding. Ulcers can be at risk of having cancer in the mouth, throat, oesaphagus, colon or liver.

•Effect on Sexual and Reproductive health:
People think taking alcohol may increase the fun during sex due to Increased erection but the fact is men who drink too much of alcohol have a probability of experiencing erectile dysfunction. Much intake can cause prevention of sex hormone production and lowering of libido. It may cause a stop in menstruation in women causing infertility. Pregnant women who drink alcohol has a higher tendency of having premature delivery, miscarriage or still birth. The unborn child is also at risk of having Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD)

•Effect on Immune system:
Too much of alcohol reduces the body natural immune system, making it so difficult for the body to fight off invading germs and viruses.

•Effects on skeletal and muscular system:
Too much of alcohol can weaken the bones in the body. It can cause the thinning of the bones in the body and the risk of fractures if there's a fall. The fracture may also heal slowly.
Muscle weakness, cramping and eventually atrophy are also effect of long term intake of alcohol.

•Effect on circulatory system: Alcohol has effect on the hearts and lungs. People who drink alcohol too much are at the risk of heart related issues than people who do not drink alcohol at all. Women who take alcohol are more likely to develop heart diseases than men who drink.

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