Affiliate Marketing : The Preliminary Study

This post covers the Basics of how Affiliate Marketing works. 

Affliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other company's products.
You as an affliate marketer help the company to promote some products in exchange for cash from the traffic it generates. 

To start your journey to earn as an affliate marketer. You'll have to choose a business model. Primarily, there are basically two business models. They are resource site and review site.
Resource site typically deal with the affliate marketer updating his or her website frequently in regular intervals to ensure users return to the marketer's website on regular basis while review site does not need much updates, just reviews and minor tweaks to keep his website on the first page of Google search result.

Creating your website is the next step to earning as an affliate marketer. To work as an affliate marketer, you need a platform, probably a blog or website on which chosen ads and links will be posted. If you already have a website or blog, then you should start using your blog to make money as an affliate marketer. 

Most of the affliate marketer choose a niche, we can call it an area of specialization. Before you start advertising, you should make a thorough search on the niche that will be best for you to easily work and advertise.

Once you have any made a decision on the niche which you want to work. Then you are ready to start searching for products and services which you can promote on your website or blog. The products choosen to be promoted should vary depending on the niche you have chosen. For instance, Commission Junction is very much okay for marketers who will like to promote traditional products; Amazon, PayDotCom, E-junkie, Clickbank may be good for marketers involved in digital contents; Pay per click marketing model like Google AdSense may be quite alright to some marketers but it pays considerably less than other marketing models as the pay is determined by the traffic on the marketer's website or blog

Affliates will make a good impact in making your business grow. To get affliates, build a strong reputation for yourself by having a very popular blog, by becoming an author of a book, etc. 

Once you have a popular blog or websites and enough affliates to work with. You'll be needing traffic on your affliate program. You can derive alot of means to get traffic on your affiliate program.

This post is a form of insight to affiliate Marketing. This is the basics of Affiliate Marketing. 

Stay tuned to ArticlesRevamp to get the A-Z of Affiliate Marketing. 

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