7 Things That Made Mark Zukerberg Become Rich

How did Mark Zuckerberg conceive the idea of his multimillion dollar business (Facebook) ? 
How did He rose from nothing to emerge the youngest billionaire in the world?
What are the lessons that can be drawn for Mark’s success?
If you’ll like to know the answer to any of these questions, then keep reading…
In this article, I will be lessons that can be drawn from the success story of Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook CEO. I’m sharing this with you not for fun, but to challenge you to start somewhere and make it to the top soonest.
If you’ll like to know these secrets, below are some of them:

7 Things That Made Mark Zuckerberg become Rich
1. Have a Dream
 “Desire is the starting point of all achievements.” - Napoleon Hill
Many people think that the Zuckerberg’s success story come overnight, no! His journey to riches began as a dream that he sacrificed everything for. Want to be rich and famous like Mark? Start with your desire; what do you want to be known for in few years to come? What do you want to be remembered for after death? Envision it now and take the necessary steps to achieve it.

2. Be futuristic
Mark Zuckerberg had the opportunity to sell Facebook then but he refused. Why? Because he’s long-term focused; he could see a future that only few can see and keep working until he finally become famous with his website. Mark’s friend saw Facebook as an ordinary school project; but he saw it as a multimillion dollar project that will connect people around the world together
What do you see in your business? Where will your company be on the nearest future? Are you willing to build a multimillion or multibillion venture?
Success can never come without thinking big.

3. Follow your passion
Mark did not make the mistake most people make in life by starting a business they have no passion for; he started Facebook because he’s so passionate about programming… when others are partying and merrying, he’s busy doing what he loves most (programming). For his passion not to dye out, Zuckerberg had to drop out of college and guess what? That singular decision enlisted Him among the world richest people.

4. Believe in yourself
Another thing that makes Mark a success story today is that he believed so much in Himself; he never belittled himself. No matter how big your dream is, if you don’t believe in yourself, you can never achieve it.

5. Start small
Although Mark Zuckerberg was dreaming of having a world class social media which will connect people, but he never waited until he has huge capital before starting; he started small and the business keeps growing gradually until it finally came to the limelight.

6. Learn to take risks
 “In today’s rapidly changing world, the people who are not taking risk are the risk takers.” – Robert Kiyosaki
Entrepreneurship is all about risk taking, Mark Zuckerberg wouldn’t have become a famous and rich man today if He didn’t take risk in his early years; he took a lot of risks such as dropping out of school to focus on building Facebook; standing against the giant (Google); investing his money in the business, etc

7. Be diligent
When others are busy wasting their time; mark is busy writing codes to make facebook better, he had sleepless nights just to make his business a huge success today.
In conclusion; Mark Zuckerberg’s success did not come overnight, he deserves the accolades because he dreamed it, planned it, made necessary actions and took risks to make it a reality. He remained passionate and focused on building Facebook; that’s what accounted for his success. His success was never by luck.

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