5 Profitable Business Skills You Can Learn Within 3 Months in Nigeria

It is a well known fact that the economy is not really favorable at this moment and it is hitting everyone hard, there is hunger in the land, jobs are scarce, even the working class are lamenting about irregular payment of their  salaries, only few people can boast of eating three times a day. 
In a time like this, if you don't have a good job or a skill that you can build a business around you'll only be depending on other people for your daily needs. Therefore, the sole reason for this article is to expose you to the business skills you can learn within few weeks and start making money from it. 

5 Profitable Business Skills You Can Learn Within 3 Months in Nigeria
While composing this article, I did all my best to assess how easy it is to acquire each skill, how lucrative they are, as well as the amount of capital required to start. Therefore, do yourself a favor by following line by line.

1. Phones Repairs
Research shows that at least 3/4 of every adults are making use of one smartphone or the other, it is very rare to see someone that has no phone, even a 7 year old boy is already using it. 
The fact is that no matter how careful you are, your phone will still develop faults at some points and you have no option than to repair it. It is at this juncture that the demand for phone repairer comes in. Almost everyone now has a phone (some even have more than 2), so learning how to repair a phone will see you offering services to people who wants to get their phone repaired. 
Phone repair is quite lucrative and only few people are into it as of the time of writing this post. Fortunately enough, you can learn this skill perfectly under 3 months.

2. Hair Barbing
No matter how much times we cut our hair, it will never stop from growing. That's why the services of a barber will always be needed. 
In order to look good, a lot of people visits the barbing salon at least once in two weeks. There is no area that doesn't need the service of a barber, be it rural or urban. Acquiring barbing skill is one of the best things you can do to generate employment for yourself. You can easily learn how to barb within 3 months and start earning a living from it.
3. House Painting
House painting is becoming more and more recognized nowadays, and people are now painting their house to give it a new look. One thing about this business is that you need to be artistic and creative, you mus know how to combine color and make the output attractive. .
4. Web Design
We're now in the digital era amd almost every business can be done online. Nigeria has a huge number of internet users. A lot of firms are taking their business to the customers online. 
 No firm can operate online without a website, the website serves as a meeting point for both the firm and the customers, website cannot be built without having a gold knowledge of web design, this is where the services of a web designer is needed. 
You can acquire web design skill within 3 months if you are really passionate about it, rest assured that it is lucrative as almost every businesses are coming online. 

5. Graphic Design
Gone are the days when people use pen and paper for design, as I said earlier almost everyone is going digital, this has made the service of graphic designers to be on high demand. Depending on how open minded you are, graphics design is a easy-to-acquire skill. What matters most is your ability to be practicing daily after lecture. 
Other skills you can acquire within 3 months are:
Laundry Services
Snacks Production
Laptop Repairs

In Conclusion, stop wasting your time in searching for jobs that are not even out there, empower yourself by acquiring a profitable skill and build a business around it. Also strive to train yourself to the very best.

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