10 Great Entrepreneurs That Failed Before Finally Succeeding

Have you ever failed in any business? 
Have you ever closed down a business because it’s not booming as expected?
If ‘yes’ is your response to any of the above, then you are not alone!
Most of the successful business people you see today have also experienced it before finally succeedingIf you truly want to become a successful entrepreneur, you must not be afraid of failure, failure is certain on the pathways to success. All you need to overcome is hard work, desire and drive for success.
Successful entrepreneurs didn’t run away from their failures; they faced it and that’s why they eventually become successful today. 
These entrepreneurs once failed before becoming successful: 
10 Entrepreneurs That Failed Before Finally Succeeding
1. Thomas A Edison

He is the inventor of Incandescent electric bulb. Mr. Edison failed over 10,000 times but despite that, he later emerged the inventor cum entrepreneur with the record of the highest number of patent right over any invention. How many times have you failed? Learn from Thomas Edison’s story!

2. Bill Gates

He is currently the second richest person on earth planet right behind Jeff Bezos, but you know what? Bill Gates failed as an entrepreneur in His early age. He first started a business “Traf - O” but the business only lasted for few years before it finally collapsed. Yet, Bill Gates was not depressed by that, he still went ahead to co-found Microsoft which is now a multibillion-dollar company and has gained popularity all over the world.

3. Henry Ford 

The Founder of Ford Automobile Company; Henry Ford failed in many businesses and this almost rendered Him useless, with persistence, hard work, desire and drive for success, he was able to grow Ford Automobiles which is now one of the leading car brand in the world; it has become a household name.

4. Soichiro Honda

Soichiro is a Japanese engineer and industrial giant, he was denied a job at Toyota Corporation when he graduated from college, he invented many things but they all failed before he eventually started Honda. The success of Honda didn’t just come overnight, it underwent series of trying times in the early stage.

5. Oprah Winfrey

Mrs. Oprah, often regarded as “the Queen of talk shows” is one of the most successful women in the world. She didn’t just become successful in the business world. She also failed many times before eventually hitting the limelight. Did you know Winfrey was sacked as a TV reporter before she later started on her own?

6. Richard Branson

The UK born guru failed with many businesses, one of which includes the business of selling Christmas trees but he didn’t give up, he kept His head up and finally became one of the most celebrated business tycoons in UK and internationally.

7. Donald Trump

The current President of America, He is a property and investment guru, he almost stopped being an entrepreneur in his early years due to recession. He was in huge debt and no one could ever believe he will bounce bank, but today Donald Trump is now one of the richest entrepreneurs in the world. 

8. Rovio

Have you heard of the popular video game? Rovio is the brain behind it! But don’t be away, he didn’t just achieve His current feat, he tried designing more than 50 times and failed until he finally hit the limelight with Angry Bird.

9. J. K Rowling

She is a renowned author in the world, in fact she is the first author to hit the billion Dollars mark. Her success story cannot be complete without mentioning that she pioneered many projects before finally succeeding with her popular book “Harry Potter Series”

10. Milton Hershey

The founder of Hershey in His early stage went bankrupt but bounced back after a series of hard work. He is one of the most successful entrepreneurs on the earth planet.

Are you an entrepreneur and you are currently experiencing failure? Never give up. Keep your head up! Those who became successful also faced and conquer it. Keep trying… Failure is not final!

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