Ultra Processed Foods; Dangers Associated With It.

What Are Processed Foods? Processed foods are altered in some way during preparation to make them more convenient, shelf-stable, and/or fla...

Ultra Processed Foods; Dangers Associated With It.

What Are Processed Foods? Processed foods are altered in some way during preparation to make them more convenient, shelf-stable, and/or fla...

The Trilobites; one of the existing Creatures in the Paleozoic Era. Rewinding us to The Animal History

What is a Trilobite? Trilobite  proliferated and thrived throughout the Paleozoic world, comprising one of the earliest known groups of arth...

The Trilobites; one of the existing Creatures in the Paleozoic Era. Rewinding us to The Animal History

What is a Trilobite? Trilobite  proliferated and thrived throughout the Paleozoic world, comprising one of the earliest known groups of arth...

The Plinth Beam

Ever heard about Plinth beam? It is also called pedestal, Read the little explanation we have on Plinth Beam. Plinth beam is the first beam ...

Harmony and conflicts between Christianity and Culture

Culture is one of the first if not the first creature of man after the creation of man. Man has tried to make Etiquette and morals for himse...

Harmony and conflicts between Christianity and Culture

Culture is one of the first if not the first creature of man after the creation of man. Man has tried to make Etiquette and morals for himse...